Mission Statement
Project and Data Collection
The problem we face is that sexual harassment is often overlooked and dismissed by faculty and staff at our school and the surrounding communities, which inadvertently signals to students that this behavior is okay. Currently, eight in ten students will experience some form of sexual harassment during their school years. This affects their mental health, physical health and sexual health. According to a study by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), the effects of sexal harassment on students health and their educational experiences are numerous...
Anticipated Outcome
The expected impact of our project in the short term is to alert students as well as faculty and staff at our school about sexual violence. This is important because we want to ensure that everyone at Maywood Academy High School understands the true meaning of sexual violence and can help combat it. Since our school is small we hope that knowledge will spread quickly and everyone will be aware of our goal to create a safe school climate. Most importantly, students will understand that harassment is never okay and that they do not have permission to violate another student’s body or personhood. Knowing that sexual harassment is an act of violence is the first step to ending these acts...
Project Timeline
The project will take place at Maywood Academy High School. In the month of January, we are going to ask all grade level students to take an online survey to assess the prevalence of sexual harassment on our campus and surrounding community. Once we have all of our data collected the team will share survey results to faculty and staff at our school. After discussing the results with adults on campus, the team will then share the results with students through an after school meeting so that they too can understand the prevalence of sexual harassment on our campus....